How to use an angle grinder to smooth the concrete?
1. Prepare the floor area with proper cleaning. You can simply wipe the floor with a vacuum cleaner, or if the floor is completely damaged, you may need to use a high-pressure cleaner to properly clean the surface.
2. The next step involves attaching the dust cover to the angle grinder. The dust cover should be firmly installed on the grinder by tightening the clamp on the range hood to lock the dust cover in place.
3. Next, you need to connect the vacuum nozzle to the vacuum adapter on the dust cover, and then connect it to the dry/wet vacuum inlet.
4. Now, with the power of the angle grinder still disconnected, you can install any grinding wheel that you plan to make the surface smooth on the angle grinder (I suggest you start with a diamond polishing pad).
5. After everything is connected and in place, you should now use the safety gear by wearing a mask, gloves, earplugs and knee pads. Start smoothing the surface by sanding the angle grinder around the room.
6. After smoothing the outer edge of the floor space, you can now operate the angle grinder in a circular motion inward, which will provide a higher degree of consistency. During the entire operation, you may have to constantly empty the waste collected by the wet/dry vacuum cleaner.
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